Bible StoryBoards is a tool to help you know and share the story of God and man that the Bible tells. Once you are familiar with our fifteen pictures and the storyline that goes with them, you can talk anyone through the Bible’s story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us.

We’ve divided the Bible into fifteen eras in biblical history – from Genesis to Revelation. Together our fifteen storyboards summarize the amazing story the Bible tells about who God is and what it means to walk with Him.
Get Started
Begin by reading Bible StoryBoards and making sure you understand the bottom line story of the Bible for yourself. Then our pictures can help you share that story with others in two ways:
- Simply flip through the 15 pictures in our app on your phone as you share the story with someone in your own words.
- Or you can draw the simple versions of the pictures on paper – or even a napkin! – as you share the story.
Our simple black & white sketches are easy and fun to draw. Take some time to practice drawing them and memorize their order (Our flashcards can help with that, or you can make your own). Then you’ll be ready to share the story whenever God opens the door.
You can buy the book and app through the links below.

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