Adam and Eve made a bad decision that changed the course of their lives, and ours. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand their story and how it fits together with the rest of the Bible.

Our 15 StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them will take you through the bottom line story of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. StoryBoard 2 talks about the era of Adam & Eve.
God had placed them in a perfect world. There was no fear or pain or death. There was only one rule He asked them to keep. There was one fruit tree that they were not supposed to eat from. And He clearly told them that if they did eat that fruit, everything would change and they would die.
A Bad Decision With Serious Consequences
Adam & Eve decided they wanted to eat that fruit anyway. So they did. And the consequences were devastating.
As we read their story, it’s clear that just because something may seem like a good idea to us, if it goes against what God has clearly told us, then it’s a really bad idea. And when we choose to do those things anyway, there will be consequences.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand the simple story of the Bible so you will be better prepared to choose wisely in your own life. Buy the book by clicking on the picture below and start reading the story today.

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