Bible StoryBoards wants to help you see the true story of what the Bible is all about. As you come to understand the simple storyline that is told in the Bible, you will discover there are three things that the Bible is not.

- The Bible is not just a bunch of random stories. The stories that many people are familiar with are just a part of the one grand story the Bible tells. Bible StoryBoards can help you see that bottom line story, from Genesis to Revelation. It’s the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us.
- The Bible is not just a list of do’s and don’ts. God never intended for us to live our lives following a bunch of rules. Throughout the story of the Bible we clearly see that God wants to have a relationship with us, not a religion. He wants us to love Him, and to love each other.
- The Bible is not just a psychological crutch for people who want to make life easier. Faith in God is more than just telling yourself “everything’s going to be okay.” In fact, as we see the story of the Bible unfold, we see God calling people to make hard choices. To step out in faith and follow God is to risk everything.
If you would like to better understand the bottom line story of the Bible, we invite you to take a journey with us through our Bible StoryBoards book. Simply click on the picture link below.

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