Bible StoryBoards can help you make sure your family understands the truth the Bible teaches about who God is, who we are, and what it means to follow Him.

The Command
Before Jesus went back to heaven He commanded His followers to help others become His disciples. They were to go and tell everyone what He did for them on the cross.
Our disciple-making journey should begin at home. It’s our responsibility to make sure our children understand the bottom line story of the Bible.
The Process
The process is the same as with anyone else:
- Though we are not perfect, they need to see God in your life. Make sure your life reflects the truth of what you believe or your words won’t mean anything to them. Do your best to walk worthy, and ask for forgiveness when you mess up.
- Tell them the story of God and man. That’s what the Bible is all about. Make sure they know the truth. The world (both secular and religious) often presents a very inaccurate picture of who God really is and what He wants from us. Make sure they know the real story.
Tools to Help
Bible StoryBoards is a tool to help you teach your family the story of God’s amazing love for us that’s told in the Bible. It will help them see the truth about what God has done for them and what it means to be His disciple.
The following resources were created to help you lead your family on this exciting and important journey through the Bible. You can buy them by clicking on the pictures below.

Related Post: I’m Using Bible StoryBoards to Help Me be a Better Dad and Grandpa