When you understand the bottom line story of the Bible, it’s clear that walking with God isn’t about following a bunch of rules. Bible StoryBoards can help you see that it’s about relationships, not rules.

Bible StoryBoards will help you discover the simple story of God and man that the Bible tells.
The God of the Bible
Though He is a God of justice, God’s not a judge looking down on us, waiting to punish us if we step out of line. The Bible shows that He is a God of love and mercy and grace.
His desire from the beginning of time was for us to walk in a loving relationship with Him in this world. The only “rules” He gives are for our protection. And it is always our choice if we will follow them or not.
Love Wins
The greatest proof that He is more about love than rules was seen when He sent Jesus to pay the price for our disobedience. God knew we couldn’t follow rules, so He made it possible for us to have a relationship with Him forever, in spite of our sin. It’s through Jesus’ work, not ours, that we can be right with God.
To find out more about the story of God’s love and the relationship He wants to have with you, buy the book or app here. Simply click on the pictures below.

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