Bible StoryBoards wants to help you understand the bottom line story of the Bible. And once you understand that story you will see that this world was not just an accident. There is a designer behind it all who has a plan that is still in motion today.

God’s plan for this world
StoryBoard 1 is called Beginnings. It tells us about how God created this world and us. And it tells us why He created this world and us. The next 14 StoryBoards continue through the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – and tell the story of God’s plan for this world and for us. And it’s a plan that you are a part of because it’s not done yet.
Though Bible StoryBoards can help you understand what the Bible is all about, whether you believe it or not is up to you. When you look at the world around you – the beauty that reaches into our souls, the order of seasons and years, the complexity of our bodies, the miracle of new life – what does it say to you?
There is an invisible God behind it all
Yes, it takes a leap of faith to believe that there is an invisible God behind it all. But it also takes a leap of faith to believe that all of this is simply the result of a bezillion accidents happening without any intelligence or order behind them.
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the story of this world, and God, and man that the Bible tells.
Learn more today. Check out our Bible StoryBoards book by clicking on the picture link below.

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