The story of the Bible can fill the longing in your soul for something more. Bible StoryBoards will help you understand that story and what it has to tell you about who God is and what it means to walk with Him.

Living in a Fallen World
The Bible tells us that we were created to walk with God and each other in a perfect world. But sin messed that up. Now we walk in a world filled with the consequences of sin.
There is a longing in our souls for that perfect world and for the relationships with God and others that we were created to have there.
There is More Than This
Bible StoryBoards can help you see the simple story of God and man that the Bible tells. It’s a story that will explain what God has done to make it possible for us to walk with Him and each other in love again, in spite of our sin.
And it will also help you see what’s up ahead for all mankind. One day God will make a new earth where those who choose to follow Him will live forever in loving relationships with each other and with Him. That’s what our souls are longing for.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand the story the Bible tells about God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. It can fill the longing in your soul and change your life forever.
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