God asks His followers to live life with those who are far from God, so they will see His love demonstrated through us. He also says if we live that way, they will want to know what makes us different (in a good way!). Bible StoryBoards can help you be prepared to answer that question.
Our 15 Pictures and the storyline that goes with them will help you talk someone through the bottom line story of the Bible. They will see who God is and what it means to follow Him.
In order to have the opportunity to share that story, we need to intentionally build relationships with people who are far from God – in our neighborhoods, at work, at school, in coffee shops, at the gym.
Who Are You Living Life With?
Are there nonchristians in your life who need to know the truth about God and man and this world?
If you can come up with a list of names, start planning times to hang out with them. If you can’t come up with a list of names, begin thinking about new things you can do where you will meet people who need to know the story of the Bible.
Then when God opens the door, Bible StoryBoards can help. As you flip through the pictures in our app on your phone, you can tell them the story of the Bible in your own words.
You can buy the book by clicking the picture link below.
Related Post: Bible StoryBoards is Helping Me Courageously Share the Gospel with Unbelievers