Bible StoryBoards can help you understand what the Bible has to say about how this world began. With fifteen pictures and the storyline that goes with them, we will take you through the simple story of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation.
In the Beginning

StoryBoard 1 talks about the very beginning of the story of God and man. The Bible doesn’t say exactly how He did it, but it makes it very clear that God was in control when this world was created and when we were created. Each flower and tree and meadow was designed by God Himself. And it was God who intricately put together every bird and dolphin and person.
Though the Bible talks about six days of creation, it also says that to God a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as a day. Was it all done in a week? Did He guide creation over a much longer time? The Bible doesn’t say.
For God so Loved
But it does tell us that God created earth as we know it because He loved us and wanted us to walk with Him in a beautiful, perfect world. And that’s still His desire. Though this world is now very different because of our sin, He still loves us and wants to walk with us through this life, and beyond.
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the amazing story of God’s work in this world and His love for you.
Learn more by clicking on the Bible StoryBoards picture link below.

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