Bible StoryBoards is a tool for sharing the story of the Bible with others by drawing fifteen pictures. Together the 15 StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them tell the story of God and man that is woven through the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation.

Give It a Try
If you like to draw, this can be a fun, easy, and interesting way to tell others about the Bible. Though it will take a little work to prepare yourself, once you are familiar with the pictures and the storyline, you will be able to share the gospel with anyone, anywhere, as long as you have something to draw on and something to draw with.
Begin by reading the story of the Bible as it is summarized in Bible StoryBoards. Then take some time to memorize the pictures and their order. Once you have that down, you’re ready to draw.
You can learn to draw the pictures on our website or simply by copying them from the book. They can be as simple or as detailed as you want.
Ready to Tell the Story
Once you know the storyline and the 15 pictures, not only will you have a better understanding of what the Bible is all about, but you will also be ready to tell the story to others.
For the most detailed description of the storyline, buy the book through the picture link below to get started.

Related Post: Even a Child Can Tell the Story of the Bible With Pictures