If you are a Christian, God wants you to be prepared to tell others about what He has done for them through Jesus. That’s the story of the Bible, and Bible StoryBoards can help you tell others that story as you draw fifteen simple pictures.

We’ve divided the bottom line story of the Bible into fifteen eras and fifteen pictures. Together those 15 StoryBoards tell the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. That’s what the Bible is all about.
Learn to Draw & Tell the Story
It will take a little work to prepare yourself to share the story, but once you understand the storyline and memorize the pictures and their order, you will be ready to share the story of the Bible anytime God opens the door.
You can practice drawing the simple versions of our pictures. They’re fun and easy. You can draw them on a piece of paper, a napkin, on a sidewalk with chalk, or wherever. You can be creative as you draw the pictures while you are telling the story of God and man in your own words.
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the simple life-changing story of the Bible, and that you will then share that story with others.
You can buy the book by clicking on the picture below.

Related Post: Make Disciples By Drawing and Sharing the Simple Story of the Bible