The simple, bottom line story of the Bible is a great place to start if you have friends who are interested in the Bible but don’t know much about it. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story and it also becomes a tool for you to share the story with your friends.

The Story of Stories
With fifteen pictures we take you through the simple story of God and man that is told through the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. It’s the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. With the 15 StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them, you will learn:
- Why God created this world and us
- How our sin has messed things up in this world and in our relationship with God and with each other
- What God did to make it possible for us to have a relationship with Him again, in spite of our sin
- What God wants from us and for us today
- What’s up ahead for all those who choose to follow God
Share the Story with Pictures
Once you understand the simple storyline of the Bible for yourself, you can easily share that story with your friends by flipping through the pictures in the app on your phone or iPad. The pictures will prompt you as you tell the story of the Bible in your own words.
There are many great stories in the Bible, but the one simple story of the Bible is the most important story God wants us to know.
Check out our book or app for more help. Simply click on the picture links below.

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