The story I have in mind is found in the Bible. It’s God’s love story that is woven through the entire Bible. It’s a story that few people know from beginning to end.

I love what New York pastor Tim Killer said about that fact. He wrote:
Many people think of the Bible as a book of moral teachings with stories sprinkled through to illustrate the teachings. But it’s a lot better than that…the Bible is a single true story with teachings sprinkled through to illustrate the story.
Many of us know some familiar Bible stories…
- Like the one about Adam and Eve and how they got kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
- Or the story of Moses and Pharaoh and the ten plagues.
- Or the one about Daniel who got thrown into a lion’s den – but lived to tell about it.
- And of course the story of Joseph and Mary and baby Jesus and the shepherds and wise men.
One Amazing Story
The Bible is filled with stories. And while it may seem that these stories are unrelated, they aren’t. They are all a part of the one grand story that the Bible tells. And it’s the most important story that God wants everyone to know.
This past year I’ve gotten more joy out of telling this story than at any other time in my life. For at least three reasons:
- I can finally tell the story in a simple way. Even in a couple of minutes. That’s not something I could do before this past year. It would have taken me a sermon or two.
- I now have a way of telling the story with 15 simple pictures that grab people’s attention.
- I am seeing people for the first time actually understand the story of the entire Bible, when it never made sense to them before.
Learn to Tell the Story of Stories
What Bible StoryBoards is doing for me, it can do for you too. It can give you a simple way to know and share the greatest love story ever told. And you’ll be changed by it too. You’ll find your love for God increasing along with your desire to share the story with others.
Our book and app are two key resources that can help you learn and tell God’s story. Simply click on the photo link below to get more information or buy our book now.

Related Post: The Top Five Ways I’ve Already Benefited from Bible StoryBoards