As you read through the simple storyline of the Bible that is found in Bible StoryBoards you will see that Christianity is different than other religions. Though there are many similar stories and themes among religions, Christianity is unique in a very important way.
Made for a Relationship with God
The storyline of the Bible explains the history of God and man. It begins with God creating all of us to walk with Him and each other in a loving relationship. No religion, just a relationship.
Separated by Sin
But it goes on to explain that throughout history men have chose to turn away from God and His ways. Our sin has separated us all from God.
The Way Back to God
As the storyline goes on, it tells how God worked through the centuries to finally bring about a pivotal event in human history. He sent His own Son into the world. Through the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus, everyone in the world can now have their sins forgiven so they can walk with God again.
He Did What We Could Not Do
The Bible goes on to explain that our relationship with God is now based on what Jesus did for us on the cross. It’s not our work but His work that saves us. That’s what Christianity is all about, and what makes Christianity different from every other religion.
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the amazing story of God’s love, and that it will help you walk with God because of what Jesus did for you.
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