The people and culture of the post-modern world we live in are very different than in the past. But the Gospel is still relevant, even if they don’t know it is. Bible StoryBoards can help you help them understand the simple story of the Bible and how it connects with their lives.

People today are open to spiritual things, but they also tend to believe that all spiritual roads lead to God and heaven – if you’re a good person, you’ll be fine. God wants us to make sure they know the truth about who He is and what it means to walk with Him.
Bible StoryBoards tells the story of God and man that is woven through the entire Bible – the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. It’s a true story about the history of this world and it tells us about God’s love, our sin, God’s plan to save us, Jesus’ work to make it possible for us to walk with God again, what God wants from us today, and what’s ahead for this world.
Share the Story
With our 15 Pictures on your phone, and the simple storyline that goes with them, you can share the story of the Bible with anyone when you have the opportunity. You can make sure they know the truth, and then let God take care of the rest.
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Related Post: Bible StoryBoards Makes It Easy for Me to Help Others Understand the Bible