If you are part of a Missional Group, there is a great new tool available to help you understand the bottom line story of the Bible. It will also make it very easy for you to then share that story with others who are still trying to figure out if there is a place for God in their lives.

Bible StoryBoards takes the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, and follows the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with man. It uses 15 pictures to help us focus on the bottom line message of the Bible:
God loves us and wants to have a relationship with us
- We mess things up… a lot
- God pursues us anyway, with forgiveness and grace
- God provided the way for us to have a permanent relationship with Him through Jesus
- The choice is ours – will we accept His love & forgiveness, or not
You Can Tell God’s Love Story
Once you understand the 15 pictures and the story they tell of God’s love for us, you can easily share that story with others. You can use the IOS app to walk them through the story as you show them the pictures on your iPhone or iPad, or you can draw the pictures on a napkin or notepad. Whatever works for you!
It’s our hope that this tool will not only help you understand God’s love for you, but that you will then share it with others.
You can get the Bible StoryBoards book or app by clicking on the appropriate picture link below.

Related Post: Bible StoryBoards is Helping Me Courageously Share the Gospel with Unbelievers