Two years ago I got an idea that I thought was good. It came to me while hanging out in a Northern California coffee shop. At the time I thought the concept was God-given. But you never know with me. It could have been just another dream in a long stream of dreams that have hit me over the years.
But this idea seemed different. Like it could really work. Maybe it could even help people all around the world.
Whenever I get an idea that I think is good – and I usually think they’re all really good – the first thing I do is run it by Bernice. She’s my best discernment source. Over the years she’s heard a ton of things that I thought could be a great idea. And typically, after she hears my latest “what if we….?” she lovingly smiles and says “hmmm that’s an idea.” You know, the kind of response that actually means “you might want to rethink that, Dave, before you put any time or money into it.”
This time Bernice didn’t say hmmmm. This time she smiled and said, “That’s a great idea!”

Her green light was all I needed to jump into what’s now called Bible StoryBoards. Fifteen pictures that illustrate the simple storyline of the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. The amazing story of God and man and this world.
From the beginning we thought the combination of the story and pictures would make it easy for people throughout the world to not only learn the story the Bible tells of God’s amazing love for us, but also share it with others.
Well today I’m excited to tell you that this dream is coming true right now in Cameroon, Africa. There, for the past eight weeks, some American missionaries are using our Bible StoryBoards curriculum. An email that was sent to us this week said “all the children are really enjoying” what they are learning and coloring. Including the missionaries children.

The email went on to say that the adults are planning to use the 3-week curriculum to learn the storyboards and storyline as well. The missionary ended by saying, “Thank you so much, this has been a lot of fun to teach. And your materials have made it easy.”
It’s our hope that God will continue to use Bible StoryBoards to help people around the world understand the amazing story the Bible tells of His relentless pursuit of a relationship with us.
You can go to for more information about…
- the simple story of God and man that is woven through the entire Bible
- how to share that story with others

Related Post: Even a Child Can Tell the Story of the Bible With Pictures