God wants us to know who He is and what it means to walk with Him, and the clearest way He speaks to us today is through the story of God and man that the Bible tells. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story and what it means for your life.

Bible StoryBoards will take you through 15 StoryBoards that explain the bottom line story that the Bible tells, from Genesis to Revelation. It’s a story that everyone needs to know because we are all a part of it.
The story explains:
- Who God is and why He created this world and us
- How we messed things up for ourselves and this world
- God’s plan for making it possible for us to walk with Him again in spite of our sin
- What God wants from us and for us now
- The choices we need to make
- What is ahead for this world and for us
Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand what God wants you to know about who He is and who you are. It will make the Bible come alive in a new way as you see how it all fits together into the story of God’s love for us.
Buy the book by clicking on the picture below and hear the story God wants you to know.

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