When you understand the bottom line story of the Bible, you see that even when God seems silent He is still working. That is especially evident during the years between the time of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
At the end of Old Testament history, God brought His people out of exile and back into the land He had given them. But now others ruled that land. The prophets warned the people to follow God’s ways. And then there was silence. For 400 years God didn’t send prophets or speak through burning bushes or lead in pillars of fire.
Silence With a Purpose
StoryBoard 11 tells us about this era in world history. Though the people weren’t hearing from God, He was still working to bring about His plan for the world. During those 400 years Alexander the Great spread the Greek language around the known world. The Roman Empire then built roads that connected much of the known world. The people were longing for God to come and lead them again. All of that was in preparation for the amazing work that God would do at the end of those 400 years!
In the Bible StoryBoards book you will see the story of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. And you will see there is a purpose in the times when God seems silent, and that God is always working in and around us even when we can’t see it.
You can get our book by clicking on the picture link below.
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