The Bible tells us that God hasn’t just left us on our own in this world. He’s had a plan for the world and for us from the very beginning of time as we know it. And He is still actively working to bring about the fulfillment of that plan. Bible StoryBoards will help you see that story unfold as you take a journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

Though individual Bible stories can often be confusing, when you focus on the main storyline of the Bible you can clearly see God’s plan falling into place throughout history. Since the beginning of this world He has continued to work in us and among us in His relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. And that work continues today.
You Can Learn and Tell This Amazing Story
With 15 StoryBoards, we want to help you understand the story of God’s ongoing connection with this world as it is told in the Bible. And we want you to discover where you fit into that story, because it’s not over yet. We are actually living during the era of StoryBoard 14! And StoryBoard 15 is yet to come.
It’s our hope that through our book you will come to understand the amazing love that God has for you, and that you will then share that story with others.
You can check out this resource by clicking on the picture link below.

Related Post: A Five-Step Plan for Getting the Most Out of Bible StoryBoards