The direction our lives take is dependent on the individual choices we make along the way. Bible StoryBoards was written to help you understand the story of God and man that the Bible tells so you will see the most important choice you will ever make, and then choose wisely.
The story of the Bible shows that God has a plan for our lives. It’s a plan that involves blessing and peace and love. But He has given each of us the choice to either follow His plan, or not.

Through the storyline of Bible StoryBoards you will see that throughout biblical history most people chose to go their own way instead of God’s. And the consequences of those choices were devastating for this world and for their lives.
Those who chose to follow God’s ways and trusted Him ended up seeing God work in them and through them in amazing ways. It didn’t mean life was easy for them, but it was filled with purpose and joy.
A Series of Choices
We also see that following God is a choice we have to make every day. We will constantly be faced with deciding if we are going to do what we think is right or what God says is right.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you know the bottom line story of the Bible so you can better understand who God is and what it means to follow Him. You can buy the book through the picture link below.

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