There was a time when God would send His Spirit to meet with men in religious tents and buildings that had been made for that specific purpose. But that day is past. Today God doesn’t live in buildings; He lives inside those who choose to follow Him. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand the history of the Holy Spirit and His connection with mankind.

Our 15 StoryBoards will take you through the simple story of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. As the story unfolds you will see the work of the Holy Spirit throughout thousands of years of history.
- He was there participating when the world was created
- He temporarily empowered specific people at specific times for specific purposes
- He met with men in tabernacles and temples – holy places that were set apart for people to connect with God
Everything Changed
But when we get to StoryBoard 12 (Jesus) everything changed. Ever since Jesus’ death and resurrection, the Holy Spirit now lives inside all those who choose to follow God through the gift of forgiveness and life Jesus provided for us.
He no longer lives inside buildings. He now lives inside of us. We don’t have to go somewhere to connect with God and worship Him. He is with us always.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand the simple life-changing story of the Bible, and the ways and work of the Holy Spirit. You can buy it through the book link below and start reading today.

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