Bible StoryBoards is a tool that can help you witness anywhere. With our 15 simple pictures you can easily share the story of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – with high-tech gadgets or no tech at all. And as you share that amazing story with others, they will come to understand God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us.
You Can Learn the Story
The first step is to read through the book or app so you can come to understand that story for yourself. The 15 pictures, and the storyline that goes with them, will take you through the bottom line story of the Bible. Though we don’t touch on all the familiar Bible stories, once you understand the main storyline of the Bible, all those other stories will fall into place.
Then prepare yourself to share that story with others when the opportunity comes along.

- If you are in a high-tech setting, you can simply flip through the pictures on your iPhone or iPad as you tell the story.
- To be prepared for a low-tech setting (or a dead phone or ipad battery!) you can carry flashcards of the pictures with you, or you can simply draw the pictures on a piece of paper as you tell the story.
I Peter 3:15 tells you to “be prepared at any time to share the reason for the hope you have within you.” It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you do that.
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You can get the Bible StoryBoard Book or App by clicking on the picture links below