There is a growing movement among Christians to build significant relationships with others who are far from God. Many are becoming Front Yard People so they can live life with their neighbors and share the story of the Bible when God opens the door. Bible StoryBoards was written to help you know and share that story.

Front Yard People intentionally spend time hanging out in their front yards instead of hiding away in their houses or backyards. They usually put a table or comfy chairs in a shady spot to make it easier to do things and to connect with others.
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Why not do something crafty or write out your grocery list or play a family game on a table in the front yard? Bring out a pitcher of iced tea and you’re ready to chat with whomever God brings your way. It could be the beginning of some great new relationships.
Share His Story
And when the opportunity comes along, be prepared to share God’s story with others. With our 15 Pictures and the storyline that goes with them, Bible StoryBoards will help you be ready to do that.
Once you understand the bottom line story of the Bible, you can easily share it with others by simply flipping through the pictures in our app on your phone.
Buy the book and app today by clicking on the pictures below and prepare yourself to become a Front Yard Person with a life-changing message to share.