The story of the Bible shows that it’s not always easy or “safe” to follow God, but it also shows that it is always the best idea. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story and what it can mean for the direction of your life.

Throughout the story the Bible tells we learn about ordinary people like us who were given the choice to either follow God’s ways, or not. From their experiences we clearly see that when we choose to ignore God’s instructions and go our own way, things end badly.
Ordinary People Who Took a Leap of Faith
But we also see people who were willing to trust God and follow His leading, even when what He was calling them to do was scary or didn’t make sense to them. It took faith for them to go God’s way instead of doing what may have seemed like a better idea to them. But when they trusted God – even though it wasn’t easy – they achieved success and blessing.
You Can do the Same
God offers the same choice to us. Each day, we decide if we are going to trust Him and follow Him, or not.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand the story of God and man that the Bible tells. It’s our hope that it will also help you have the courage to follow God’s ways instead of your own.
The book is available by clicking on the picture below.

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