According to the story of the Bible, following God is a day-to-day walk in a relationship with Him. It’s not about following certain rules, or attending services or programs at a church. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand the story the Bible tells and what it means for your life.

With 15 pictures and a simple storyline, Bible StoryBoards teaches the bottom line story the Bible tells, from Genesis to Revelation. It’s the story of God and man and this world. It will help you see what is truly important to God.
Throughout the story you will see that following God is a choice we make each day. It’s how we live our lives – by trusting God and choosing to do things His way instead of doing what seems right to us.
A Day-to-Day Journey
Walking with God involves waking up each day and choosing to:
- Love God
- Love others
God wants the center of your spiritual life to be your personal relationship with Him and your personal witness for Him to the lost world around you; not a form of religion or a church that you attend.
Bible StoryBoards can help you see what walking with God is really all about. Buy the book by clicking on the picture below.

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