Bible StoryBoards will teach you 15 simple pictures that you can use to share the story of the Bible with anyone, anywhere. All you will need is a piece of paper and a pen.
This Could Be You

God has asked us to be prepared to share the Gospel whenever we have the opportunity. But it’s often hard to know what to say. With Bible StoryBoards you can easily and quickly talk through the amazing story of God and man that is told in the Bible. Though you won’t cover every familiar Bible story, you will be able to clearly explain God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us and the gift of life He offers through Jesus.
Learn the Storyline
First you will need to become familiar with the simple storyline and the 15 StoryBoards that go with it. The best way to do that is to read the book. We also have flashcards available to help you memorize the order of the StoryBoards and their titles. Or you can make your own.
Then Share the StoryBoards
Then practice drawing the pictures. We’ve provided simple black & white versions to help you do that. Be as creative with them as your talents allow!
Trust God to Do what You Can’t
Finally, pray that God will open doors for you to share the amazing story of God’s love. And when the opportunity comes along, grab a pen and a piece of paper – or even a napkin – and go for it!
Check out our book for more help. Simply click on the picture link below.

Related: Bible Storyboards Got Its Start in a San Francisco Bay Area Coffee Shop