When you understand the story of the Bible, it’s clear that God wants us to walk through this world loving the people around us – especially those who are on the fringe or in need. The Bible even goes so far as to say that’s what true religion is all about.

Bible StoryBoards will take you through the bottom line story of the Bible with 15 StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them. In it you will clearly see God’s love for the lost and needy…
- woven through the story of God and man that the Bible tells
- demonstrated in the life of Jesus
What God Wants
There are two things God asks of us. He wants us to love Him. And He wants us to love the people whose paths cross ours each day. Not just the ones that are easy to love. He wants us to love the ones who are easily overlooked. The ones that might seem a little scary. The ones who are different from us.
Do you even see them?
Live Love
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the amazing story of God’s love, and that it will challenge you to live a life of tangible love; day-by-day with all those whose lives intersect with yours.
Read the Story
Buy the book or app below and read it now. By helping you understand the bottom line story of the Bible it can change how you live and how you love.
You can buy the Bible StoryBoards book or app by clicking on the picture links below.

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