Though God chose the Jewish people for a very special place in His plan for this world, we are all on equal footing when we come to God. Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the part the Jews played in biblical history, and what God offers all of us now – whether Jew or Gentile.

The History of the World According to the Bible
Bible StoryBoards divides the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – into fifteen historical eras. A picture represents each era. As you follow the storyline with our 15 StoryBoards you will see that God chose the Jews for a very special purpose in His plan to make it possible for anyone to walk with Him, forever.
StoryBoard 3 tells how the Jewish people began as a simple family, with Abraham and Sarah.
StoryBoard 12 shows us the fulfillment of God’s promise to bless the entire world through one of Abraham’s descendants.
We All Come to God as Equals
When you understand the bottom line story of the Bible, you will see that God desires to have a relationship with each of us. It doesn’t matter what country you were born in or what color your skin is.
Whether Jew or Gentile, we all come to God through the gift of forgiveness and life that God offers us through Jesus.
Read the Whole Story
To read the complete storyline of Bible StoryBoards, click on a picture below to buy the book or app.

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