When you understand the simple storyline of the Bible, you will see there is a big difference between a religion and a relationship with God. Bible StoryBoards would like to take you on a journey through the Bible so you can clearly see that difference.

From the beginning of time as we know it, God has wanted to have a relationship with us. That’s why He created this world and everyone in it. He loves us and He wants us to love Him and walk with Him day-by-day. That’s it.
No Thanks, God
But as we follow the storyline through the Bible we see that we human beings keep messing things up. Instead of simply walking with God – loving Him and loving each other – we keep turning away from God and trying to do things our own way. Instead of loving God and others we default to putting our own selfish desires first.
Yet throughout history we see that as we turn away from God, we create religious systems of our own, that fit our own desires. We want something to make us feel “spiritual”, but we want it on our terms. That’s religion. The Children of Israel did it. The Pharisees did it. We do it today.
Amazing Love
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you see the simplicity of the amazing love God has for you and that it will transform your relationship with Him.
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