There are many things pastors want to teach their congregations, but the Bible clearly tells us the two most important things. They are the same things that God has wanted every man and woman to know since the beginning of this world.

Bible StoryBoards takes the bottom line story of the Bible and helps us see the things that are most important for us to know. As the story unfolds, one of the things we can clearly see is what God wants from us.
Two Things Matter Most
The bottom line of our life should center around two things:
- God loves us and He wants us to love Him. And our love for Him will be demonstrated by trusting Him and following His ways and His leading day-by-day. It’s a relationship, not a religion that God desires from us.
- God wants us to love everyone whose life touches ours. As we walk with God each day, showing His love to those around us should be our top priority. And that love won’t just be a feeling, it will be shown in actions.
Two Things God Most Wants
The simple storyline of the Bible shows us over and over that this is what God wants from us. And Jesus Himself told us that everything comes down to these two things. Love God. Love others.
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you and your congregation see through all the other “church stuff” to the heart of the two things God wants the most from us.
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