The Bible makes it clear that there are consequences for sin. And those consequences can be life-changing or even life-ending.

We Got a Problem
There’s something inside each of us that wants to do things our own way instead of God’s. Bible StoryBoards can help you see that problem has been with us since the beginning of this world. And when we choose to go our own way instead of God’s, there are consequences. And one of the strongest warnings about those consequences is from the part of biblical history that’s told in StoryBoard 5, which is called Wandering and is described as A Generation Lost.
Willful Disobedience
When God brought the Children of Israel to the edge of the land He had promised to give them, He told them to go in and take it. But the people were afraid of the “giants” in the land. Instead of trusting God and obeying Him, they refused to go in.
It Didn’t Have to End This Way
The consequence for their sin was devastating. They ended up wandering in the desert until all the adults who had refused to go into the land had died. For the next forty years those who had been children or teenagers grew up watching their parents and grandparents die in the desert.
The Best Choice
The new generation learned from the mistakes of their parents. And so can we. As you read through the story of the Bible in our book or app, you will see many other examples of why obeying God is always the better choice.
You can buy the Bible StoryBoards book or app by clicking on the picture links below.

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