Here are two things to keep in mind if you want to help people who are far from God understand what Christianity is really all about.

1 – Do your best to live a day-to-day life that represents Jesus well. People who are far from God have a lot of stereotypes about Christians to overcome from the media or their own past experiences with “Christians” or the organized church. When you follow Jesus’ example of how to live – loving God well and loving people well – they will see a huge difference in your life from all the bad stereotypes or their hurtful past experiences. Don’t see them as a project. Share your life with them, love them, and leave the rest to God.
2 – Share the bottom line story of the Bible with them. Our 15 Bible StoryBoards can help you do that. As you explain the amazing story of God’s love for us that is found in the Bible, they will come to see that God loves us and desires a relationship with us, not a religion. They will also clearly see that even though we humans mess up a lot, God offers us grace and forgiveness when we turn to Him. And they will see that we can now come into a forever relationship with God because of what Jesus did for us.
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