You Can Learn to Draw the Story of the Bible in 15 Simple Pictures
By learning to draw our 15 simple StoryBoards, you will be able to tell the story of the Bible to…
By learning to draw our 15 simple StoryBoards, you will be able to tell the story of the Bible to…
If you’re heading out on a short-term missions trip, Bible StoryBoards provides a simple tool you can use to share…
Bible StoryBoards can help you follow the instructions Jesus gave in Matthew 28. It will help you understand what it…
Bible StoryBoards is a tool that can help you witness anywhere. With our 15 simple pictures you can easily share…
When you understand the bottom line story of the Bible, you see that there are two things that every new…
The bottom line story of the Bible shows that there are two words that can summarize what it means to…
Bible StoryBoards is a simple tool you can use to help unchurched friends understand the bottom line of what the…
Bible StoryBoards can help you focus on the bottom line of what God expects from the people in your church.…
If you are part of a Missional Group, there is a great new tool available to help you understand the…
For many years now I’ve been hanging out in coffee places, watching for opportunities to connect with people. As a…
You can talk someone through the entire storyline of the Bible with the 15 simple pictures found in Bible StoryBoards.…
In the short time that Bible StoryBoards has existed, I have personally benefited by it in many ways. Here are…