Bible StoryBoards Will Help You Understand Why Jesus Had To Die For Us

When you understand the bottom line story of the Bible, you will see why Jesus had to die for us. Bible StoryBoards wants to help you understand that story and how it connects with your life.

Why Did Jesus Die for Us?
Why Did Jesus Die for Us?

The Bible explains that God created this world and us so we could walk with Him in a loving relationship. But men kept turning away from God and going their own way. First Adam & Eve made a really bad choice, and then sin continued to spread as the population of the world grew and it led to Noah and the great flood. Then once again as the population grew, sin spread again and led to the Tower of Babel.

It became clear that men would not be able to follow God by their own efforts. Our sin would always get in the way. So God set in motion a plan that would one day make it possible for anyone to come back into a relationship with Him, in spite of our sin.  That plan led to Jesus.

When Jesus died on the cross, He paid the price for our sin. Because of His work, He accomplished what we could not do for ourselves. Now by accepting His forgiveness and grace we can walk with God, forever.

It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the amazing story of God’s love for you, and that it will change your life forever.