Though many people are familiar with some of the better-known stories from the Bible, very few actually understand the main story that is woven through the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. Bible StoryBoards was written to help people understand that simple story. It’s the most important thing God wants you to know.

If you or someone you know is confused by the Bible, we can help you understand the bottom line story that the Bible tells. It’s the story of:
- God’s love for us
- Our sin
- God’s plan to bring us back into a relationship with Him in spite of our sin
- Jesus
- What God wants from us today
- What is ahead for us and this world
Once you understand that story, the rest of the Bible will make much more sense as you see how it all fits together.
With our 15 StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them, it’s our hope that people will come away feeling like they finally understand what the Bible is all about. And that the Bible will come alive to them in a whole new and exciting way.
You can buy the Bible StoryBoards book through the picture link below.

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