Jesus asks His followers to be prepared to tell others what He has done for us. Just like the disciples that Jesus sent out into the world, He asks His modern day disciples to continue that same work. Bible StoryBoards is a tool that can help you do that.

God wants us to be living life with the lost world around us. As we build relationships with people who are far from God, if we are living and loving well, some of them will ask why we are so different. When that door opens, we need to be ready to tell them:
- What God has done for us through Jesus
- How that has changed our lives
A Story Worth Sharing
Bible StoryBoards has taken the bottom line story of the Bible and summarized it in fifteen eras of biblical history – from Genesis to Revelation. As the story unfolds, we see who God is and what it means for us to follow Him. We also clearly see the choice that is before each of us.
Once you are familiar with the story, you can easily share it with others by simply flipping through the 15 Pictures in the Bible StoryBoards app on your phone as you tell the story of God and man that the Bible tells.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you be prepared to share the story of the Bible. You can buy the book and app through the picture links below.

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