God asks His followers to tell others what He has done for us through Jesus. If we are ready to do that, He will open doors for spiritual conversations. Bible StoryBoards was written to help you know and share the simple storyline of the Bible.

If we are living lives of love in the world, people will notice that we are different – in a good way. And they will want to know why. We need to be prepared to tell them what God has done for us and how it has changed our lives.
In Bible StoryBoards we’ve taken the bottom line story of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – and summarized it in 15 StoryBoards. With our fifteen pictures and the storyline that goes with them you will clearly see the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us.
It’s Easy To Share
Once you understand the storyline, you will be ready to share it. You can easily flip through the 15 pictures in our app on your phone as you tell the story of the Bible in your own words.
Our responsibility is simply to tell the story so we can make sure they know the truth about Christianity and the Bible. Then it’s up to God to work in their hearts and minds.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you be prepared to share the life-changing story of the Bible whenever God opens the door. Buy the book and app by clicking on the pictures below.

Related Post: Bible StoryBoards Makes It Easy for Me to Help Others Understand the Bible