There are people around you who need to know the story the Bible tells. Would they see you as a person they would listen too? Bible StoryBoards can help you know and share the story, but you need to make sure your walk makes you worth listening to.

People are open to talking about spiritual things, but they aren’t going to pay attention if…
- They feel like you are treating them like a project and you don’t really care about them as a person
- Your life and character don’t match up with the “religion” you claim to have
God wants us to reflect His love and truth to the world around us. When people look at our lives they should see a person who truly cares about others:
- People who demonstrate God’s love in tangible ways day-by-day
- People who are doing their best to live like Jesus
Live Love
When our lives are characterized by love, the Bible tells us that people will see a difference and will even ask why. That’s when we should be ready to share the story of the Bible.
When God opens that door, Bible StoryBoards can help you share the simple story of God’s love for us that is woven through the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. With our15 Pictures in our app on your phone, and the storyline that goes with them, you can easily share the Gospel with others.
Buy the book and app by clicking on the pictures below.

Related Post: Bible StoryBoards is Helping Me Courageously Share the Gospel with Unbelievers