Bible StoryBoards is a tool that can help you easily teach someone the bottom line of what the Bible is all about. We’ve taken the story of the Bible and divided it into fifteen eras in biblical history – from Genesis to Revelation. A picture then represents each era.

Together, the 15 StoryBoards tell the story of God and man. It’s the simple story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us that is woven through the Bible.
It’s a story of love; broken relationships; grace; chosen people; second chances; consequences; sacrifice; forgiveness; choices; new beginnings. It’s the most important story you can ever know.
Once you understand the storyline, you can easily teach it to someone else by simply flipping through the pictures in the Bible StoryBoards app on your iPad or phone. Or you can draw the pictures yourself!
See How It All Fits Together
Knowing this simple storyline will help you and others understand how the rest of the Bible all fits together. It’s a great place to start before you dig in to study the Bible itself.
Get the book or app today so you can be better prepared to teach others about the Bible. Click on the picture links below.

Related Post: Make Disciples By Drawing and Sharing the Simple Story of the Bible