You share a lot of things with your friends, but have you shared the simple story of what your faith is all about? Bible StoryBoards provides a fun tool to help you easily do that.

What Is Bible StoryBoards?
We’ve taken the bottom line story of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – and summarized it into 15 StoryBoards. Together they tell the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. It’s the story of God’s love for us and of what He has done through Jesus to make it possible for us to walk with Him in spite of our sin.
How It Can Help You
Once you understand the storyline for yourself, you can easily talk through it with your friends by simply flipping through the fifteen pictures on our Bible StoryBoards app. It’s fun, informative, and very nonthreatening. You’re simply helping them understand what the Bible is all about.
Take some time to prepare yourself to share the amazing story of God’s love for your friends. Buy the book or app today and read the simple storyline for yourself. Then watch for opportunities to share the story with your friends.

Related Post: Ready to Tell the Story of the Bible When the Opportunity Arises