Jesus asks His followers to be His ambassadors to the lost world around them. If you are a Christian, your home is a tool you can use to connect with the world and help them learn who God is and what it means to follow Him. Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the bottom line story of the Bible, which is the story God wants you to tell the world.
God asks each of His followers to connect with the lost world around us so we can show them His love in tangible ways. Our homes can become embassies for Him as we reach out to neighbors, co-workers, family, etc. As we live life with others, they will see Jesus in us and God can use that to draw people to Himself.
Watch this Related You Tube Video: A Widow Who Lives in the “Embassy of the Kingdom of Heaven
Bible StoryBoards Can Help You
With 15 pictures and the summarized storyline that goes with them, Bible StoryBoards helps you understand the story of God and man that the Bible tells so you will know it and be prepared to share it with others.
Once you understand the storyline, you can easily tell it to others in your own words by simply flipping through the 15 pictures on your phone.
Let Bible StoryBoards help prepare you to be an ambassador for Christ and tell the world about God’s desire for a relationship with them. Buy the book by clicking on the picture link below.
Related Post: Bible StoryBoards is Helping Me Courageously Share the Gospel with Unbelievers